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Endoprime EA MycoApply (Mycorrhiza) 100g

Endoprime EA MycoApply (Mycorrhiza) 100g

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Ksh 69,000.00Ksh 65,000.00

MycoApply is a biological product in a powder formulation that combines spores (seeds) of four species of mycorrhizal fungi. Each gram of MycoApply Endo Prime contains 22,500 propagules of the following four mycorrhizal species: Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum, and Glomus etunicatum. Additionally, MycoApply includes humic acid as a carrier, which also aids in nutrient uptake.

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Product Description

MycoApply is a product that contains mycorrhizal fungi, and its mode of action involves establishing a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. Here's how it benefits both the plant and the farmer:

How the Plant Benefits:

Extended Root Mass: When MycoApply is applied near the plant's root, the mycorrhizal fungi germinate and attach to the plant roots. These fungi form an extensive network of hyphae that extends the root mass beyond what the normal plant root could reach. This extended root mass dramatically increases the surface area for nutrient and water uptake.

Increased Nutrient and Water Uptake: The hyphae of the mycorrhizal fungi help the plant by taking up water and nutrients available in the soil and making them accessible to the plant.

Improved Drought Tolerance: MycoApply can also store water within the root system, releasing it to the crop during drought conditions, thus enhancing the plant's ability to tolerate and survive periods of water scarcity.

Better Overall Plant Health: The increased uptake of water and nutrients results in healthier and more vigorous plant growth.

Improved Fertilizer Use Efficiency: MycoApply can double nutrient uptake and unlock bound nutrients, such as phosphorus and zinc, making the plant more efficient in utilizing applied fertilizers.

Reduced Incidence of Soil-Borne Diseases: By colonizing the root zone, mycorrhizal fungi create a barrier that can deter invading disease-causing pathogens and nematodes, reducing the risk of soil-borne diseases.

Increased Plant Establishment and Survival: MycoApply can enhance plant establishment and survival rates during seeding or transplanting.

How the Farmer Benefits:

Increased Yields: MycoApply is known to increase crop yields by at least 15-20%, contributing to higher farm productivity.

Improved Crop Quality: It can enhance the quality of produce, such as increasing berry weight in coffee and grain weight in cereals.

Drought Tolerance: MycoApply's ability to improve drought tolerance enables crops to complete their production cycles even when moisture is scarce.

Efficient Use of Farm Inputs: By enhancing nutrient uptake and improving fertilizer use efficiency, MycoApply contributes to the efficient utilization of other farm inputs, including fertilizers.
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Crops Applicable:

MycoApply is applicable to more than 95% of all agricultural crops.

Application Rate:

Rate of Myco : 1 gram to 2.5Kg of Maize seeds
Water volume : 80mls  (40mls of water per kg of seed)
Dry under shade for about 30 Minutes then plant


Rate of Myco : 1 gram to 5Kg of Bean seeds
Water volume : 150mls  (30mls of water per kg of seed)
Dry under shade for about 30 Minutes then plant.

  • For field crops: 4 grams per acre or 10 grams per hectare.
  • For tree crops (spacing below 3x3m): 1 gram to 100 trees.
  • For tree crops (spacing above 3x3m): 1 gram to 40 trees.

Application Methods:

MycoApply can be applied through various methods, including seed inoculation/dressing, dipping seedlings in a solution of MycoApply before transplanting, drenching planting holes/furrows, and drenching the root zone of on-field crops or trees with a solution of MycoApply.

Summary of application methods





for crops that require transplanting (E.g. Tomato, Onions).

Examplean acre Tomatoes Method 1

Soil drenching

Mix 4g of MycoApply Endoprime 200 litersof water in tank.

Use a knapsack sprayer or drenching equipment to apply the solution in the planting furrows/holes or on the root zone of existing crops in the field. While spraying adjust the nozzle to give a continuous flow of the solution. Ensure that the solution you prepared covers fully the whole one acre.

Soil Drenching.jpg

Method 2.

Root drenching / dipping of tomato seedlings on seed trays

  • Dissolve MycoApply in water in a troughto make a solution.
  • Use 2.5 liters of water for each trayof 420 seedlings.
  • Place the trays containing seedlings on the solution; allow them absorb the solution below till theybegin to immerse thentransplant.

Example:For 1 acre of tomatoes with a seedling rate of 10000stems , you will have 25 trays that hold 420seedlings each.

Water required willbe as follows; (25x2.5 liters of water) = 62.5Litres. Mix 4g of MycoApply in 62.5 liters of water & dip the seed trays in the solution to soak the roots then transplant.

Method 2.png

Method 3

Application throughfertigation /irrigation tank.

  • Water does not dilute product in this case. It’s only a carrier. Mix well the 4g (for 1 acre) in the irrigation water tank and open the irrigation normally. Mix the solution first in a bucket before adding to the tank.





  • For an injector or venturi, be guided by the specifications on the device (amount of water required to dissolve product for delivery and injection time per unit area)
  • While drenching start with 1/3 of your standard irrigation water to soften the ground, followed by the second1/3 while injecting product and the final 1/3 to clear your lines and push product

further to the root zone.





Seed treatment

Mix MycoApply Endoprime EA with 40ml of water per kg of seed. Apply as a fine spray on the seeds while turning them for product to cover evenly. Dry under shade for the product to dry and coat the seeds then sow.

DO NOT soak seeds in the solution.

Example: if youare sowing maize & you use 10 kg per acre. Dissolve 4g of MycoApply in (40mlx10) i.e. 400ml of water.

Spray or sprinkle the solution uniformly on the 10 kg seeds.

Mix the seedswell and let them dryfor about ½ to1hour under a shade. Once dry, sow seeds.

Seeds Innoculation.png

For Beans use 30ml of water per kg of seed.




Drenchplanting furrows/holes at planting For example, an acre of potatoes

Mix 4g of MycoApply Endoprime in 200 litersof water in tank.

Use a knapsack sprayer drench the solution in the planting furrows. While spraying adjust the nozzle to give a continuous flow of the solution. Ensure that the solution you prepared covers fully the whole one-acre.


  • Your goal is to have the product establish contact with actively growing roots.
  • Water is not a dilutingagent; it servesas a carrier to deliver the spores to the rootzone
  • Maintain continuous agitation in the mix tank during mixing and application to ensure uniform suspension.
  • Refer to compatibility with other agricultural products; when mixing with other products.
  • Time your application such that you leave the fungus at least2 months to associate with the crop before its field time expires.


MycoApply Application on tree crops.

MycoApply can be appliedin the compost mix, when planting seedlings or on mature trees. General principal is that MycoApply must reach the root zone to work.

In the nursery, you can expect vigorousgrowth and a shorter time from germination to beingfield ready.

Application on mature trees

Application for Mature trees.pngTrees application.png

For trees spaced at above 3x3m use 1g per 40 trees dissolved in 40 liters of water. Apply 1 liter of solution per tree


Inject as close to the field as possible.

Application using fertigation.png


Endoprime Compatibility.jpeg

MycoApply is generally compatible with most fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, and around 95% of fungicides available for agricultural crops. However, it may be incompatible with certain molecules, such as Triadimefon, Propiconazole, Folpet, Fenarimol, and Benomyl. When using an incompatible product, it is recommended to allow a 2-week interval before and after applying MycoApply for better mycorrhizal fungi development. Most foliar sprays of fungicides, except systemics like Bayleton, have little effect on mycorrhizal fungi.

By using MycoApply, farmers can improve crop productivity, quality, and resilience while optimizing the use of resources, ultimately leading to more sustainable and profitable agriculture.

Other pack sizes

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